Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mega PC!

My new Super computer arrived just in time. Now I can finish 'The Birds' in time for the opening at The Painted Desert Gallery. My old PC was just not fast enough to render the large files required for this project.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Birds Project

The Project

Influenced by Alfred Hitchcock's film The Birds, I have created a musical composition that reflects my love for the film. I would like to produce a special limited edition vinyl released through the notorious artist collective, 16 Pound Rabbit containing the musical score. I will be raising the money through Kick Starter. This will help me pay for the record as well as sell a few to people willing to donate.

I have always been intrigued with Hitchcock's films, as he is the master of horror. His films are artistically rendered and adding a score would only enhance the disturbing and dismal qualities of the film.

If you are a Hitchcock fan, a soundtrack enthusiast or can simply appreciate the artistic aspect of a project like this, please help me release my project.

Special Screening

On Friday June 3rd, Painted Desert Gallery will be doing a special screening of The Birds with my film score. The first showing will start at 5:30pm, and the second showing will start at 7:40pm. We will have 20 chairs set up for those who wish to stay for the full movie and standing room for those who just want to stop by and check it out. I will also be showing some limited edition photographs of crows that I have taken as well as an eerie bird video installation I have filmed.

Please join us to celebrate my upcoming release and enjoy a film classic!

Help and donate here

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Kamera Books

John Carpenter by Colin Odell and Michelle Le Blanc

In response to a growing appetite for writing about film that favours lively, engaged discussion over dry academic theories we aim to produce entertaining, engaging and informative work on all aspects of film and popular culture through our two new imprints:

Dario Argento by James Gracey

KAMERA BOOKS are for anyone interested in cinema and popular culture: for fans, regular cinemagoers and DVD enthusiasts and for film and media students.

Spaghetti Westerns by Howard Hughes

Tackling a wide range of subjects from prominent directors, popular genres and current trends through to cult films, national cinemas and film concepts and theories. Kamera Books come complete with complementary DVDs packed with additional material, including feature films, shorts, documentaries and interviews.

Neo-Noir by Douglas Keesey
(Contemporary Film Noir From Chinatown to The Dark Knight)

This is my new book obsession.
